Jennifer Pivovar defined this challenge in 2002. Paddling around the perimeter of each of the eleven lakes amounts to almost 400 miles of paddling. You don’t finish this in a day, and probably not in a season!

Here’s what several of our paddlers have to say about the PTFL challenge:

With eleven lakes ranging from small and placid through mid-sized and busy all the way to large and challenging, there is certainly something for everyone here. It’s almost sad that it’s over, but now maybe i can go on someone else’s trips for a change!

Jennifer Pivovar

Western NY does lend itself to the PTFL quest challenge. The PTFL presents a significant challenge because of the variety of the conditions one can expect to encounter while attempting this endeavor. The size of the individual lakes, coupled with the variable weather conditions create an unlimited spectrum of challenges while circumnavigating all eleven lakes. From sheltered waters to open water conditions with significant headwinds or following seas and anything in between, hot sunny days and/or heavy rain ( we do not paddle in thunderstorms) and anything in between gives every paddle the potential for a different experience. The shore lines vary, as does the architecture or the dwellings surrounding their shores, from huge estate style homes to small cottages to some lakes with nothing (Hemlock/Canadice). The lakes have variable topography swamp and low lands, high banks, occasional ravines and waterfalls and rolling hillsides like beautiful Bristol Hills.

Because of the required open water experience these paddles are not recommended for anyone but experienced kayakers. The day trips are usually between 8 and 17 miles but a couple of legs extend past 20 miles. Because of the distances the pace is such that typical trips last anywhere from three to five hours plus appropiate breaks for lunch and fluid replacement. At the end of the trip it is not uncommon to stop for a well deserved ice cream! The usual recommended safety equipment is PFDs, skirts, water, extra paddles, sunscreen, first aid kit, dry clothes is a dry bag. The group size is usually limited to no more than 12 to 13 paddlers. Trips can be round trips or may require car pooling/shuttling of vehicles. The total quest distance is approximately 360 miles.

Tony Imperato