The High Summit Honor Society (HSHS) provides a mechanism through which the Genesee Valley Chapter of ADK can honor its most dedicated long-term volunteers. Their contributions can be an extraordinary amount of time and energy spent on the chapter in general, or a discrete contribution that has been particularly noteworthy. Current or past members of the Genesee Valley Chapter who have had a minimum of ten years of active involvement in ADK may be nominated for induction into the HSHS.
Over the many years of our chapter’s existence, we have been fortunate to have a number of members whose efforts have gone above and beyond those of most others and exceed what is typically expected of a volunteer. These members have performed many different tasks, often without any recognition, often for many, many years. The first of these special people are those responsible for the formation of our chapter in the 1960’s.
At our monthly chapter meetings, please look for the plaque that lists all of the members of the High Summit Honor Society.
All Honorees
Click here for a list of all of the members of the High Summit Honor Society.
HSHS Nomination Procedure
Any current member of the Genesee Valley Chapter of the Adirondack Mountain Club may nominate someone for HSHS membership. In order to be eligible for membership, the candidate must be a member (present or past) of the Chapter for a minimum of ten years. Click here to view the HSHS Nomination Form.
Member Benefits
Beyond supporting the important conservation mission and advocacy efforts of the club, did you know that ADK members receive discounts on events, merchandise, and training? Learn more about joining ADK.
Training Scholarships
Did you know that GVC offers training scholarships for members? Leadership, wilderness first aid, leave no trace, and back-country cooking are just a few options, contact to learn more!
Most Recent Honorees
Our most recent honorees include:
Carol Thiel
Carol Thiel joined ADK and GVC in 1990 based on a friend’s suggestion after being apprehensive on her first high peak hike in the Adirondacks. From GVC hikes, she has enjoyed getting to know ADK people who are easy to get along with and have varied interests. She found GVC folks to be interesting, cheerful, and friendly. It is also where she met Peter, her husband. She found ADK hikes and outing leadership to be great exercise and preparation for her other volunteer activities. For example, she has traveled to mountainous and remote regions of Honduras five times as a volunteer promoting basic education, leading other volunteers to remote villages. She has also helped maintain trails at Massawepie Scout Camps for 27 years. Carol has served the chapter in multiple ways over the years, and was especially active in the 1990s. Perhaps her most notable role was as co-coordinator of the group that organized the ADK Spring Fling at Mendon Ponds Park in 1998, which was successful enough that it has become an annual tradition under the revised name of the ADK Expo. Carol has served GVC as chapter secretary and was refreshment coordinator for chapter meetings. She has led overnight outings to the Adirondacks and numerous local day hikes and bikes for GVC. Of particular note, she researches and leads a number of history-themed hike and bike outings both in the city and surrounding areas. These bring history alive as participants explore trails in our region. She loves leading the hikes and bikes, and says that as we all pitch in, many great outings happen, and everyone benefits and enjoys them. In each outing, she sees something specific in nature to take in and enjoy. She also led workshops at the early Spring Fling/Expos. Carol donated several original paintings in past years to be sold in the main club’s annual auction. She also served on the Geneseean Labeling Committee (which used to be a lot of work: preparing ~1200+ copies for mailing our newsletter.) Carol always carries a cheerful, can-do approach to all of her volunteer activities, and it is a pleasure to recognize her contributions to GVC.

Jack Schroeder
Jack Schroeder was first introduced to ADK by a canoeing friend who invited him to a GVC Conservation Committee meeting. From there he joined ADK and became active on conservation issues in the area. He was involved in the conservation plans when the city donated the land surrounding Hemlock and Canadice Lakes to the state. He also helped with trail work on those lands. Jack and his wife Liz have a cabin on Cranberry Lake in the Adirondacks. Often people think of ADK leaders as those who have hiked the 46 High Peaks, but Jack has never hiked one, and enjoys hiking the less-crowded woods near his cabin and in Monroe County parks. He especially enjoys hiking Black Creek and Oatka Creek Parks with his grandchildren. He loves the monthly chapter meeting and is inspired by the experiences of others involved in outdoor adventures, conservation, and education. Jack has served continually on the Executive Committee of GVC since 2011. He was Chapter Chair in 2013 and 2014, and has been Conservation Chair for 12 years. Jack led several GVC trail and parks improvement activities for the Finger Lakes Trail, for Monroe County Parks, and for the Nature Conservancy’s Rob’s Trail. He has also represented GVC at meetings of other local, like-minded groups in the region to provide broader support for conservation and responsible recreation. Jack has also organized GVC’s Outdoor Leadership and Wilderness First Aid training sessions, served as leader of the High Summit Honor Society Nomination Committee, and led GVC’s participation in Winterfest for several years. Service to others has been a key driver in Jack’s life. Before his involvement with ADK, Jack served in the Peace Corps in the Philippines, teaching physics and physics teachers in that country. He highly values the friendships that develop from working with other volunteers towards a common goal. Jack’s understated but effective approach doesn’t always garner attention, but his GVC volunteer work certainly deserves the recognition of High Summit Honor Society membership.

Bill Lindenfelser
Bill Lindenfelser joined ADK in 1997 to meet like-minded people who enjoyed the outdoors. His love of nature goes back to school days when he would watch Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom on TV. For many years he has taken trips across the country and around the world to experience nature. During one of GVC’s Winter Loj trips, he met Shae, now his wife, and their relationship really developed through the many “outdoorsy” activities they did together. They enjoy trips out west, tandem bicycle tours of Europe and hiking together. Bill has volunteered at GVC for several years. Some of the positions Bill has served include: Chapter’s Chair from 2016 to 2018, Vice Chair in 2011 and 2012, Secretary from 2010 to 2012, and Advisory Council Trustee from 2022-to the present. Bill has been a key member and/or leader on all sorts of other committees and projects including the Programs, Education, Publicity, and Expo committees. He always enjoys manning the table at Expo and marvels at this big outdoor party of like-mined folks who enjoy responsible outdoor recreation in so many wonderful ways. Bill led the effort to hold volunteer picnics, conducted “Camping with a Trailer” workshops and has given interesting chapter programs. His ever-present effort as webmaster over the last several years deserves special recognition. Bill led the effort to make GVC more “green” by converting the printed Geneseean to an all-digital form. Bill says that volunteering is just part of his nature. Giving as a volunteer has a huge payback in personal satisfaction and in the people he meets. From volunteering, he has learned how to work with people to the benefit of all other areas of his life. Bill tackles each volunteer task with equal parts of enthusiasm, camaraderie, and skill, and it is with pleasure to welcome him into High Summit Honor Society membership.

Tom Dinse
Tom Dinse is a retired teacher with the Fairport School District. As a physical education teacher initially in Attica School District and for many years at Fairport, he has always enjoyed the enthusiasm of elementary students. He joined ADK in 1969 to support ADK’s commitment to the environment and to share his love for the outdoors with others. He enjoys hiking and paddling, and has loved doing so with GVC over the past few decades. He has hiked the ADK 46 and NE 111 with his son, Cole, and this year will join Cole and Cole’s 6 year old son in an ADK hike. Tom has been a life-long volunteer in the community. He really loves helping people and seeing projects to the end. He was a founding member of the Crescent Trail Association, has volunteered with the Finger Lakes Boating Museum, and helped for years at ADK’s Johns Brook Lodge. Tom has a lengthy record of volunteering in the Genesee Valley Chapter. Fourteen years ago when the GVC Chair, Dave Harrison, asked him to man the hospitality table at a chapter meeting, he thought it would be for one night. It turned into a 14 year commitment as the chapter’s Hospitality Chair, setting up, staffing, and storing the items used at the refreshment table in the lobby for our monthly programs. He has been an integral member of Expo for many, many years as part of the set-up and tear-down crews and, until recently, used his home to store many of the Expo materials. He was also a member of the Label Committee in the 1990s and early 2000s; a group which applied mailing labels to The Geneseean for each of the over 1200 member families of our chapter. He was a hike leader for decades, and still leads hikes. ADK and GVC have truly benefited from his love of helping others. But he feels he gets so much in return through the many friends he has made along the way. It is through ADK that he met his present wife, Donna and loves that she enjoys the outdoors as much as he does. Tom’s lengthy and ever-present service to GVC makes him very qualified for High Summit Honor Society membership.

Bruce Tehan
Bruce Tehan is the children’s librarian at the Arnett branch of the Rochester Public Library. He joined ADK and the Genesee Valley Chapter (GVC) in 2000. Originally a solo camper and hiker, Bruce joined ADK to enjoy the outdoors with those with similar interests. Through GVC outings and volunteering, he has formed lasting friendships, and met the woman who is now his wife. Now some of his best memories of being in the woods are with ADK people. Bruce says beyond attending chapter meetings and outings, it by volunteering that he really got to know many great folks. He feels he has received much more through volunteering than he gave. Bruce is currently Education Chair, Publicity Chair, and Publications Chair at GVC. His background in library science and public service, brings a special perspective to all of these positions, coming up with creative and interesting workshops, editing our excellent newsletter, and creating vibrant and enjoyable posts on Facebook and Instagram. It’s no wonder. When asked why he became a children’s librarian, he said that while earning his librarian degree, he was reading the children’s book, The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister to a group of kids, one boy’s face lit up when he reached the part with the octopus. Upon seeing the boy’s response, he knew immediately that a children’s librarian was the right job for him. And Bruce carries that desire to “light up” the recipients of his volunteer work at GVC. He has held other volunteer positions at GVC as well, including Chapter Chair in 2011 and 2012, Vice Chair in 2010 and 2011, and Secretary for 5 years. He often steps up to fill positions that otherwise would go undone. As an example, while Chapter Chair, Bruce became the Geneseean Editor when a new editor could not be found. In all his volunteer work, Bruce keeps the focus on the Club, its activities, and benefits to members, but never on himself.

All Members of the High Summit Honor Society
Name | Year |
Don Baird | 2004 |
James A. Bird | 2006 |
Barb Brenner | 2005 |
Donald Burness | 2003 |
Alan Bushnell | 2007 |
Deni Charpentier | 2011 |
Bill Crowe | 2008 |
Warren De Land | 2003 |
Bill Deans | 2012 |
Gary DeWitt | 2010 |
Donna Dinse | 2012 |
Tom Dinse | 2024 |
Michael Dobner | 2007 |
Nancy Donny | 2016 |
Sue Dougherty | 2015 |
William Endicott | 2003 |
Jack Freeman | 2003 |
Bob Goodwin | 2005 |
Kenneth Harbison | 2015 |
Jerry Hargrave | 2005 |
Dave Harrison | 2009 |
Charlie Helman | 2013 |
John Holtz | 2005 |
Judy Immesoete | 2009 |
Read Kingsbury | 2016 |
Bob Krenzer | 2014 |
Bill Lindenfelser | 2024 |
Karen Malecki | 2007 |
Joanne Mitchell | 2006 |
Dave Mundie | 2004 |
David Newman | 2007 |
Lawrence G. Newman | 2006 |
Ken Reek | 2013 |
Margaret Reek | 2009 |
David Schott | 2016 |
Jack Schroeder | 2024 |
Rich Sensenbach | 2008 |
Doug Smith | 2004 |
Dick Spade | 2004 |
Dr. Henry Staehle | 2005 |
Ellsworth Stein | 2003 |
Bruce Tehan | 2024 |
Larry Telle | 2014 |
Carol Thiel | 2024 |
Jackson E. Thomas | 2006 |
Karin Töpfer | 2011 |
Edgar W. Trainer | 2007 |
Steven Tryon | 2010 |
Doug Wall | 2004 |
Mary Warchocki | 2010 |
Paul Weld | 2016 |
Dan Wilson | 2008 |
Daan Zwick | 2006 |